Particle Count & Elemental Analysis | PerkinElmer

Particle Count & Elemental Analysis

Nexion 2000 AwardIn-service oil and lubricant testing labs, like yours, are challenged with fast turnaround and analytical accuracy, while at the same time controlling operating costs. In the past, particle count and elemental analyses were conducted separately requiring more time for sample preparation, analysis, and reporting – plus, more sample required upfront, not to mention more waste to dispose of on the backend. And for particle counting only, the analysis was quite time consuming – taking from 2 to as much as 20 minutes per sample.

Now, PerkinElmer’s new LPC 500 Liquid Particle Counter coupled to the Avio® 500 ICP-OES Oils system enables the same diluted sample to be analyzed for both elements as well as particle count and size. This patent-pending technology allows you to perform both analyses in a single run, at an average of 45 seconds per sample, and with less than 1 mL of sample. This integrated solution is a game changer in laboratory workflow that considerably improves operating costs.

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